- Abolition Humanities Lab Syllabus
- Asylum Lab Syllabus
- Books to Blockchain Lab Syllabus
- Consent Lab Syllabus
- Cross/Currents Lab Syllabus
- Digital Theory Lab Syllabus
- Knowledge Alphabets Lab Syllabus
- Knowledge Alphabets Lab Syllabus
- Multi-Species Lab Syllabus
- Radical Ecologies Lab Syllabus
- War and Knowledge Lab Syllabus
- Anti-Bergson: Bachelard’s “Surrationalist” Moment and The Poetics of Time
- Bachelard Today: Towards a Post-Scientific Mind?
- Humanities+ | Collaborative Research
- Large Language Models and Culture: Digital Theory Summer School II
- Scaled (In)Finitude: Problems of the Ecological Turn
- Signs of Artificial Life: N. Katherine Hayles
- Signs of Artificial Life: Symposium
- Signs of Artificial Life: Terrence W. Deacon
- Surplus Data
- What is Digital Theory?
- ChatGPT Broke the Turing Test
- Esferas 12: migración y asilo / migration and asylum
- Esferas 14: cross/currents ~ contra/corrientes
- Making waves: Uses of real-time, hyperlocal flood sensor data for emergency management, resiliency planning, and flood impact mitigation
- Surplus Data: A Special Issue of Critical Inquiry