Multi-Species Lab Syllabus

Course Summary

The Multi-Species Lab – Spring 2020

Co-taught by four professors in fields ranging from drama, art history, literature, environmental studies, and art, the Multi-Species Lab develops practices and strategies that decenter the human being in a world of ecological uncertainty and recalibration. Through collaborative and creative activities and assignments, we will research and question ideas of how to understand life—including human life—as a plural and ecologically enmeshed phenomenon. The Lab will be structured as a series of meetings and activities with artists, practitioners, and researchers engaged in developing “arts of living on a damaged planet.” Drawing our conceptual frameworks and key ideas from recent work in ecotheory, new materialism, posthumanism, and multi-species ethnography, we will dedicate ourselves to creating actions, rituals, habits, ceremonies, practices, and art works—in many mediums—that work to disrupt unthinking anthropocentrism and to replace it with ecospheric consciousness. We welcome your participation and contributions regardless of major or year.